Connecting people to the power of herbs.
Always choosing organic where possible or growing our own! Prioritizing Planet (which includes people) over profit.
If ever in doubt, find a herbalist near you. Don't google diagnose, your a complex person: National institute of medical herbalists: find-a-herbalist

Nutrition with focus High cholesterol also known as hypercholesterolemia.
Part 1:Introduction to cholesterol:Those with high cholesterol, usually along with other factors such as high blood pressure, are at an increased risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) which can cause...
A short history of Papvarum somniferum and other medicinal plants in the Papaveraceous family.
This essay looks at some of the history and use of Papvarum somniferum (opium poppy, or literally ‘sleep-inducing’ poppy) and other medicinal members of the Papaveraceous family which has grown...

Vegetable glycerine... A remedy suitable for children?
So we (Coed Cariad members and I) made an all round feel good soothing tonic last year on the 3rd of July 2023. We also made a lovely heal all...