Lady’s Mantle Tincture

Lady’s Mantle Tincture

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Latin Name: Alchemilla vulgaris

  • Long history of traditional use
  • Lady's Mantle Tincture is the active constituents of the Alchemilla vulgaris plant extracted into organic ethanol (medical alcohol)
  • This traditional method maintains and preserves the naturally-occurring constituents found in the plant. It extends the shelf life for up to 4 years
  • Extraction Ratio: 1:3, Alcohol Volume: 45%

Botanical description: Native to Britain, Ireland and continental Europe; there are many species and subspecies and they can be hard to differentiate. A herbaceous perennial, reaching up to 45 cm, which readily self-seeds and can be raised from seed or by division in spring. The leaves form a basal rosette and have 9 lobes usually and look like a fan, borne on a long stalk. The leaf margin is toothed and there are hairs on the teeth. The leaf stems have smaller leaves and clusters of small yellow/green flowers with sepals and stamens; petals absent.

Part used: Aerial parts, roots

History/Folklore/Taste/Energetics: The English name is supposedly due to the fact that the leaves resemble the Virgin Mary’s cloak. The species name is due to the dew like substance that gathers at the edges of the leaves and the hollow where the leaf joins the stem. This liquid is not dew; it is guttated out of the leaves due to the force of the root pressure pulling moisture up from the soil faster than evaporation occurs. This substance was much valued by alchemists. The guttated liquid seems to be strongly astringent and healing; I have used it on blocked tear ducts to help clear the congestion; the drops have a clear light resonance, almost opalescent and very clearing. The plant has a strong energetic affinity for healing the womb and issues around mother or mothering. The leaves can look like a smiling face, bringing a calm grace to femininity. It is cooling and drying with a bitter astringent taste.

Tannins, Glycoside, Salicylic acid, Saponins, phytosterols, volatile oil, bitter principle.

Astringent, Uterine tonic, Vulnerary, Hepatic, antiseptic

Traditional/current uses:
• Internal and external wounds
• Heavy menstrual bleeding
• Menstrual cramps
• Regularises periods
• Fibroids and endometriosis
• Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis
• Infusion used as a gargle for sore throats, laryngitis and       mouth ulcers
• Use infusion to bathe weeping eczema and sores
• Healing wounds
• Easing childbirth
• Greenstick fractures
• A strong infusion can be used to bathe the breasts to reduce sagging and tone the tissue
• Not to be used in pregnancy

The young leaves can be used in salads and the leaves also make a refreshing tea